Woman Arrested at Florida Mall on Fraud Charges

A woman using an alias was arrested at a Boca Raton mall on charges of fraud. The woman claimed that a couple had offered her $200 in payment for each fraudulent credit account that she opened. She was allegedly given a fake Georgia driver’s license by the couple. Using a fake name, the woman was able to set up an $800 line of credit at Macy’s. She was also able to obtain a $600 line of credit at Sears. The Sears credit line had a $200 cash limit.

The woman allegedly attempted to obtain another line of credit at Kay’s Jewelry. She apparently became uneasy when the request took a long time to process. At one point, police were alerted.

The woman was arrested after she fled the mall. The woman has been charged with two criminal charges, fraud and drug possession. She reportedly told investigators that she had no job and was in need of the money the couple had offered to her.

This woman is likely to face fines, penalties and jail time if she is convicted of the charges against her. However, the prosecution will have to prove that she is guilty. She has the right to a fair trial and the right to be represented by an attorney.

A criminal attorney might be able to help her to prepare her defense. In addition, an attorney may be able to discover if her case was mishandled by law enforcement. In cases where law enforcement have mishandled evidence or paperwork, the case may be dismissed. If she is convicted of these charges, an attorney might be able to help her to negotiate for a reduced sentence.

Source: News Channel 5 wptv.com, “Loniee Hughes arrested on fraud charges at the Town Center Mall Read more: http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/region_s_palm_beach_county/boca_raton/loniee-hughes-arrested-on-fraud-charges-at-the-town-center-mall#ixzz2UFTXZlzJ”, Dave Gould, May 24, 2013


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