No one wants to be subject to a criminal investigation, regardless of whether they committed the crime for which they are being investigated. Sometimes people think that they can help themselves or the people they love by hiding certain pieces of potential evidence from law enforcement. Whether that evidence is a muddy pair of shoes ...
When it comes to Civil Injunctions, both parties are entitled to due process, and an opportunity to present their case before a court. When one of the parties needs to request a continuance before trial, the judge has to apply a three-pronged test to assess whether a continuance should be granted. First, the judge ...
Understanding your rights during police questioning is crucial to ensuring fair treatment under the law. Recent rulings by the Florida Supreme Court and the Florida Third District Court of Appeal highlight the complexities surrounding the invocation of the right to remain silent and the right to counsel. Recently, the courts have provided significant clarifications on ...
Citizens often have questions about the legality of recording telephone conversations between themselves and police officers or other members of law enforcement. It’s natural to want to create a record for yourself. However, Florida does have a strict prohibition under its wiretapping law (Fl. Stat. § 934.03) against recording telephone conversations when the other party ...
If you are pulled over for a DUI, remember, Field Sobriety Exercises (one-leg stand, walk and turn, horizontal gaze nystagmus (follow the pen/finger test)) are voluntary. You have the right, and should, refuse to submit upon being requested by a law enforcement officer to perform them. Standardized field sobriety tests were created under a study ...
New legislation requires safe-exchange location for minors. Known as “Cassie Carli’s Law” and effective July 1, 2024, this new law requires safe-exchange locations to be established in a sheriff’s parking lot in each of Florida’s 67 counties. The location must be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, be video monitored, and marked ...
Being charged with racketeering is a serious and alarming situation. Racketeering involves participating in an illegal business or scheme for profit, often associated with organized crime. Under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, federal and Florida laws impose harsh penalties for such activities. The charges can involve various crimes over an extended period, ...
Being arrested can be a distressing experience, leaving you feeling isolated and anxious. In such moments, it is critical to contact friends or family to inform them about your situation and arrange for help. Connecting with loved ones can also provide practical assistance, such as securing legal representation or arranging bail. Having an experienced criminal ...