How to Protect Your Rights As a Victim of Domestic Abuse?

You are entitled to a safe, healthy, and happy future. Anyone that attempts to hinder your rights through means of emotional or physical violence is unjustified in their actions and should be held accountable. As a survivor of domestic abuse, there are steps you must take to proactively ensure your rights are protected, as well as the ongoing safety of you and your family. Whether it’s a spouse or a former partner, if you have been a victim of domestic abuse, or feel like there is threat of imminent violence, it’s imperative you act immediately.

If you are unsure of where to begin or how to accomplish any of the following steps, Fighter Law has a team of compassionate and knowledgeable attorneys ready to assist you. We will listen with discrete ears and act swiftly to accommodate the urgency of your unique situation. For a free consultation today, please call our office. 

3 Steps to Protect Your Rights As a Victim of Domestic Abuse

In order to protect your rights as a victim of domestic abuse, it is pertinent to complete the three following steps:

1. Report and Document the Incident

First and foremost, it is vital you report any incident of domestic violence by calling the police. If you are unable to do so or too much time has passed, you can try to document the incident by taking photographic evidence of the scene, your injuries, or other relevant information. A trip to a medical professional afterwards is not only a good idea for your physical health, but is also a way to document the source of the injuries. 

If you have not already called the police, be aware your doctor may do so for you so you can file a police report. 

2. File For an Injunction 

A domestic abuse injunction is a restraining order against those who have abused you in the past or who are actively demonstrating a plausible threat of violence against you. Injunctions can be easily filed and if you are in need of one immediately, a temporary restraining order may be granted in the meantime. 

This allows you to safely navigate your home area and work area without fear of violence or interaction from your abuser. The person at the receiving end of the injunction, known as the respondent, will be made aware of the temporary injunction. This does not allow them to be within a certain proximity of you and your family and in some cases sees the removal of all of their firearms.

3. Hire a Dedicated and Compassionate Attorney 

An attorney with extensive knowledge of the criminal justice system can help you navigate the aftermath of your situation with compassion and efficiency. If you need help filing for your injunction or gathering evidence of the abuse, your attorney knows exactly who to talk to and what to file to get the results you are looking for. 

Additionally, an attorney can help you file a claim against your abuser for monetary compensation. This can be for any medical bills, lost wages, or emotional losses and suffering.

Protect Your Future By Speaking With Fighter Law Today

To see how an attorney can best help you today, reach out to the board-certified team at Fighter Law. We believe in a people-first approach, meaning we are there with you every step of the process, from filing the injunction to any additional assistance you and your family may need. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities. 

Let us fight for you. For a free consultation, call us at (407) 344-4837 or fill out our contact form.


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