7 Myths about Domestic Violence

Myths and misconceptions about domestic violence are not only dangerous to perpetrate for the victim, but the abuser can use them to hide behind. An individual’s assumptions or preconceived notions about a domestic violence situation can cloud their judgment and inadvertently allow the abuser to go unpunished. Domestic violence cases often go unreported because victims are afraid their situation will be dismissed. They fear risking their safety if they report their abuser, but they’re not believed. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of domestic violence and debunk harmful myths to help bring justice for victims and encourage them to report their situation.

7 Myths about Domestic Violence

Biases can skew an individual’s perception of a situation and prevent them from helping a victim and bringing an abuser to justice. It’s necessary to understand the myths that abusers can hide behind in order to avoid detection and criminal charges. Some common myths about domestic violence include the following.

1. Domestic Violence Is Rare

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in four women and one in seven men will experience relationship violence in their lives. Domestic violence is one of the most common crimes; however, it’s the least reported crime, making it appear uncommon.

2. Domestic Violence Is Only Physical Abuse

While physical violence is the most visible and commonly known form of abuse, domestic violence takes on many forms of abuse. Other types of abuse include:

  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Economic abuse

Partner abuse is more than just hitting their victim. It’s about exerting power and control over the victim, meaning physical abuse is just one aspect of a much broader issue.

3. Domestic Violence Is Just a Momentary Loss of Control

It’s common to see domestic violence in the media portrayed as a loss of control from one moment to the next. However, it’s usually the opposite. The abuse makes the decision to abuse. They are fully aware of their actions and how their abuse reinforces control through fear.

4. Domestic Violence Only Occurs in Low-Income Families

Domestic violence does not discriminate. Domestic violence occurs throughout all economic classes, ethnic backgrounds, religious groups, and societal groups.

5. Domestic Violence Situations Are Easy to Leave

Victims are reluctant to leave for a variety of complex factors that include:

  • Shame
  • Fear of greater injury
  • Fear of death
  • Shattered sense of self
  • Fear for their children
  • Love or concern for their abuser

While it may seem simple to an outside observer, leaving an abusive relationship is often more complicated and terrifying than people believe. Victims often feel they have more to lose if they leave than if they remain. Additionally, fear of not being believed or having their situation undermined can make it more challenging to feel safe enough to report their abuser, let alone leave them.

6. Domestic Violence Situations Are Caused by Substance Abuse

Alcohol and drugs are often the excuses abusers use, but they are not the cause. Chronic substance abusers abuse their partners while sober. They do not need to be under the influence to abuse their partners. While drugs and alcohol can exacerbate an abuser’s behavior, they do not cause the abuse. Rather, they lower the inhibitions of already abusive people.

7. Domestic Violence Only Happens to Women, and Women Are Never the Perpetrators

While it may seem that men are less likely to be the victims of domestic violence, that does not mean they are never the victims. Men do experience abuse from female and male partners. Additionally, women commit acts of violence against their male or female partners. Unfortunately, in situations where the abuser does not fit the mold of a typical abuser, the victim is less likely to report their situation. Therefore, domestic violence against men and the LGBTQ+ community often goes unreported.

Fighter Law Is Here for People in Domestic Violence Situations

Whether you are the victim of a domestic violence situation or being charged with domestic violence, Fighter Law understands the complicated nature of these situations. We have the experience and skills at Fighter Law to tackle domestic violence cases. We represent clients in domestic violence injunctions and domestic violence criminal cases. Our attorneys understand that this is a sensitive topic and will work tirelessly to protect your legal rights and provide you with board-certified legal counsel. If you want to schedule a consultation, call (407) 344-4837 or fill out our contact form.


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