Florida Woman Attempts to Smuggle Drugs into Jail

Being charged with alleged drug possession is a tough enough sentence in Florida. Having additional drug charges added due to smuggling them into jail while being processed increases that pressure. A Florida woman recently discovered this dilemma.

It took place after Gainesville police stopped a vehicle for speeding. The male driver permitted the officers to search his vehicle, and in the process they found several grams of cannabis in the passenger seat occupied by a 41-year-old woman. Upon a further search, the police pulled a crack pipe from the woman’s purse.

The female was arrested and transported to jail, repeating several times that she did not have any additional narcotics on her person. However, when the woman passed through the jail’s X-ray machine, police discovered two crack pipes in the vicinity of her genitals – one of them containing a small amount of crack cocaine. In addition to drug possession, the female was charged with smuggling contraband in a detention facility and held in jail on a $10,000 bond.

Florida’s drug possession laws can inflict large penalties and jail terms on those alleged to possess drugs, especially if they are repeat offenders. A criminal defense attorney may be of service to those who feel they were improperly charged. Law firms that deal in this category can advise clients on their rights and the potential options they have to fight the charges. Though they might not be able to get a full acquittal, criminal defense attorneys may be able to reduce the severity of fines and jail time or work a deal with the courts to ensure the best possible outcome for all parties involved.

Source: 6 South Florida, “Florida Woman Arrested on Drug Charges Tries to Smuggle Crack Pipes Into Jail in Her Body: Cops“, Samantha Shavell, July 13, 2013


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