What’s The Difference Between Dating Violence and Domestic Violence

Across the United States, dating and domestic violence are serious issues. These forms of violence are present in relationships of all kinds. No one, no matter what they have done, deserves to be abused by someone they’ve loved.  

When cases of domestic and dating violence are brought to the attention of officials or trusted attorneys, there is often a misunderstanding about how the two are defined legally. Here’s how dating violence and domestic violence are different. 

Dating violence is any form of abuse that takes place in a dating relationship.

Domestic violence is any form of abuse that takes place in any relationship. Examples of domestic violence relationships include husband/wife, brother/sister, nephew/aunt, boyfriend/girlfriend, longtime partners, etc.

If you believe you’re in an abusive relationship or know someone who is, here are a few more things you should understand about dating and domestic violence.

Understanding The Different Types of Dating/Domestic Violence

There doesn’t have to be visible bruises or injuries for a bad relationship to be considered abusive. Domestic and dating violence takes many forms, including:

SEXUAL ABUSE: A relationship in which one person controls another’s sexual activity.

EMOTIONAL ABUSE: Any relationship in which one person threatens or insults another on a regular basis. Emotional abuse also includes humiliation, intimidation, and control of actions.

PHYSICAL ABUSE: Any relationship in which one person inflicts pain on another. Physical abuse includes hitting, shoving, strangling, kicking, and other violent behaviors.

If you or someone you know is the victim of actions that are considered sexual, emotional, or physical abuse, it’s imperative to contact an attorney and take legal action as soon as possible.

What Are The Warning Signs of Domestic Violence?

Domestic and dating violence is a serious situation. It’s important to know the warning signs so you can protect yourself and your friends and family. You might be in an abusive relationship if:

  • Your partner isolates you from your friends and family
  • Your partner restricts your access to money or financial resources
  • Your partner insults you or makes you feel bad about yourself
  • Your partner physically harms you
  • Your partner looks at your phone or personal belongings without your permission
  • Your partner makes you feel unsafe

Anytime you feel unhappy in a relationship, it’s a warning sign to leave. However, if you’re experiencing any of the above warning signs, you should seek help as soon as possible to alter your current situation.

Call The Experienced Domestic Violence Attorneys at Fighter Law

At Fighter Law, we understand that it’s difficult to take the first step to stop domestic violence. When you know you’re ready to file an injunction, the first thing you must do is obtain an domestic violence injunction attorney you trust. Our experienced law team has decades of combined experience handling hundreds of cases just like yours in and around Orlando, Florida. Call 407-344-4837 or fill out a case evaluation form and take the first step to free yourself from domestic abuse.


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